How to play austria civ 5
How to play austria civ 5

UA: Cyrillic Script: Writer Specialists yield +3 science, Scientist Specialists yield +1 culture Gains +2 Gold at Machinery and +2 Culture at Acoustics. Provides +1 Production (instead of +2 Gold). UI: Brazilwood Camp - Now available at Bronze Working (instead of Machinery). UU: Pracinha - 80 Strength and Foreign Lands bonus (+20% Combat Strength in foreign territory). Earn Great Artists, Musicians, and Writers 100% faster during their Golden Ages. UA: Carnival: Tourism output is +100% during their Golden Ages. 50 Strength, +25% strength defending, heals completely upon killing a unit. UU: Voortrekker: Replaces Great War Infantry. +3 Culture, has a Great Artist Specialist. UA: The Great Trek: +1 food from non-fresh water farms, +1 culture from farms after the discovery of Fertilizer UU: Force Publique: Replaces Great War Infantry. UA: Colonialist Riches: +1 Production from Plantations. UU: Bowman (unchanged) Belgium - Leopold II UA: Ingenuity: Receive a free Great Scientist when you discover Philosophy. UU: Jaguar (unchanged) Babylon - Nebuchadnezzar II UB: Floating Gardens: +10% Food, +1 Food for each worked lake tile, +1 Production, City must border fresh water 20 Strength, +50% vs Melee units, +25% vs Gunpowder units. +2 Faith, +1 Science from Flood Plains, +2 Science from Oases. UA: Justice of Saladin: All cities receive a free Burial Tomb upon capture. UB: Coffee House: 50% cheaper than normal Windmill Ayyubids - Saladin Provides +1 gold, +1 production, +5% gold, and +5% production Austria - Maria Theresa UB: Convict Penitentiary: Replaces Constabulary. Starts with Medic I and Medic II promotions. UA: Dreamtime: +5 Faith from Natural Wonders. UU: Siege Tower (unchanged) Australia - Edmund Barton UB: Royal Library: +1 culture, +1 science UA: Siege Warfare: +1 movement for all siege units. Provides +1 culture, +4 science base and +3 culture and +4 science on mountains. Requires 80 production and 2 horses, 17 combat strength, has Great General +15% combat to surrounding units (2 radius).

how to play austria civ 5

Kailash, Rock of Gibraltar and Sri Pada). UA: Splendor of the Caucasus: +1 Food, +2 Production and +1 Gold from Mountains (including Mountain natural wonders - i.e. UU: Bazaar (unchanged) Armenia - Artaxias I UB: Camel Archer: 13 melee strength (from 17) Ignores terrain cost, +8 combat strength. Drill I, ignores terrain cost, earns points toward a Golden Age for each enemy unit killed. UA: Manifest Destiny: All land military units have +1 sight, 50% discount when purchasing tiles. New Civilizations and changes to existing civilizations are marked BLUE. Here they are listed in alphabetical order. This includes the base game’s 43 civilizations, many of which have been changed to varying degrees, as well as 34 new civilizations. There are currently 77 civilizations in lek mod.

How to play austria civ 5